Apamea Tech Tech News I have one server how to design and configure it?

I have one server how to design and configure it?

Hello Apamea Tech CA visitors,

So, if you have a server, or planning to get one, the first question will come, does it has enough resources to handle the planned workload and services you are planning to setup and install?

the old legacy standalone servers nowadays almost no one is using them for only one service!, physical servers are hard to manage and when you have one physical server configured for one service, or a couple that really doesn’t interfere with each other might be ok, but this is not always the case!

many services and apps, doesn’t really work on the same server, and many will warn you, for example it is better to separate your SQL server from the app server etc, and when you need to perform a maintenance on the physical server, this means your website/service etc will go down and to overcome this issue, we need to know more about virtualization.

virtualization provide you the ability to create more than one server “virtual server/machine” inside that one physical server! as long you have enough resources to handle the workload, also you can have many physical servers working as a cluster, this open for you many other features like VM migration, so in case you have some maintenance to perform on the physical server, and you don’t need to shutdown the vms, as long you have a cluster, then you can move the vms while they are on/off into other physical servers, virtualization allows you to create a dedicated server lets say one for SQL, another one for APP, another one for DHCP service etc, each has it’s own operating system, apps, services, configurations and this will be easier to manage, you will be able to update or reboot one vm without shutting down all your services and servers and many other benefits, virtualization is a rich technology relying on software based tech, basically the software will utilize the physical server resources (CPU, RAM and Network) and share it among the vms, the biggest vendors providing virtualization are Microsoft “Hyper-V” and VMware “VMware vSphere”. designing and configuring a virtualization solution will need some technical skills on networking, storage and windows OS / VMware in order to build the right storage raid resilience and network requirements and routing, space, cooling racks and cabling.

whether you are planning to build a production or testing environment, virtualization is preferable, Apamea Tech CA can help , design, build, install, configure and manage your virtualization solution, small/medium business? personal lab? contact us, our certified engineers are ready to assist you.

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