Apamea Tech Tech News Keep your computer up to date, BUT !

Keep your computer up to date, BUT !

Nowadays, security is top priority for all technology vendors like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Dell etc.. researchers and security teams usually working around the clock to make sure their products are secure, and when they discover a vulnerability they always try to patch and release a fix asap.

Here it comes, to the user/customer whether following these security issues news and updates, applying it or not! most vendors provide automatic update feature to their product but sometimes automatic update become a nightmare, the reason is simple, not always new updates or changes might be working perfectly especially when not many users tested it, between the risk of being compromised and being secure there is always that internal echo telling you YOU MIGHT BREAK IT.

Apamea Tech understand that not all users/customers has technical background, as a normal user I don’t really care what these vendors are facing, the most important for me I’m doing my job, using the software, product and it is being working.. so why to bother!

Yeah, but still, these vendors care much about their reputation, they hire professional security teams to investigate and mitigate any discovered issues, they invest huge amount of money in technology hardware, software etc.. and for you as a customer you should always get the service you are paying for with its latest features, updates and security protection.

man people water connection
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

it is a good practice to update your tech devices/software at least once per month, check your mobile IOS/Android for updates, your computer OS, such as windows updates, install them and reboot, applications and software like Adobe, Chrome browser etc, most of them provide automatic updates, but we don’t really recommend that, disable auto update if you prefer to do the update manually, make sure you have a routine to update everything from time to time, if you are a person who really don’t have time to do it, or don’t know how to do it, then yes auto update might be best for you, if you need any assistance reach out to Apamea Tech CA, if you want to have a membership we will be always available to perform the hard part on your behalf and update your computers etc. because when we update we do it the right way, we make sure we have a full backup of everything, and if we can make a rollback plan, and we check whether the latest update is recommended or if it is critical one, and if it has any compatibility issues might affect your computer etc. never leave your technology behind.

thank you for reading 🙂

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