Apamea Tech Tech News Slow computer starts with the local disk storage!

Slow computer starts with the local disk storage!

hdd vs ssd

Did you notice you computer performance has changed recently? maybe opening a browser web page is not fast as it used to be before?

your computer taking time to start or even shutdown?

this is an indication that you most likely have a serious local disk issue, and your data at risk!!!

the industry has evolve and if we are talking about performance it is the right time now to look at what type of local disk we have?

is it HDD “hard disk drive”? if yes!!

then stop, save your work, connect an external USB drive and backup your data

all HDD has a spinning life time, means it reaches a time when it will fail and you no longer will be able to access your computer and save your data,

the industry has introduced new types of local storage, such as SSD “solid state drives”, SSD will provide you at least x3 performance

high write and read speed will allow your computer to start and shut down the system and launch your apps very fast!!

luckily nowadays SSD became available with different storage size, 125GB, 250GB, 500Gb, 1TB, 2TB ,4TB and its prices became reasonable too.

SSD, will save your time, data and give your computer a new life.

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